four letter name

a cauldron of love and disguise - my body. 
hush hush 
do not speak of it
unofferable to anyone but you. My lips
melted on your pale skin
you cannot take that away from me: 
not the traces left 
as my fingertips sank into your 

your coldness bewildered me: 
a grey statue, ghastly and bloodless. 
I handed myself to you
like a newborn baby to its mother
a miracle 
in its own right. 

I want
to forget this dumb story 
lived by maudlin lovers
tearful dumb eyes. 
I want to forget but my foolish heart will not hear of it. 

every day, it spells your name: short and sharp 
an engine 
on and on, almost a chant 
your name spluttered with every breath I take - in and out. 
the faces of strangers drop like stones
and turn into your face: impeccable and white. 

like a mad medusa 
I cling to you still. 
I carry with me a meager, silent kiss on the back of my neck - 
your last act of love. 
There have been seventy five days since.  


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