
How I was once white
the tenacious and indestructible 
goddess, gold and pure
evoking fortitude from symphonies and nocturnes. 

Nothing could puncture my impervious mind 
or muddle and unhinge my soul. I,
an ancient olympian mortal,
could drink solitude and ache 
and never dwindle. 

And then you came, callous and feral
and drank my blood, my soul. 
I clung to you like a mollusk, 
astonished by your cold, cold heart.
Cold and magnificent - a statue
seducing me.

I cannot go back, 
the irretrievable bond stitched you inside my heart
so I seek you now. 

I hand myself to you 
like a small marionette
I tie the threads around your fingers -
you, the stony puppeteer 
juggling the pieces of my heart. 

I am Artemis no more, I surrender
and unpeel the shielding layer of my soul.
So now, powerless and exposed, 
I hang from the yellow ceiling of your hands 
irrefutably and madly in love with you.


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