
air is sharp cutting cutting like shiny blades 
winter is ending - I prayed for this moment to come -
snowdrops are still struggling 
to break the moist earth and rise rise
memories still cling, still flicker like flames 

a feeling of endings dissolves the air
a feeling of release 
as old skin peels off, dry eyes rest
no more tears no more anticipation, wounds
from words expected but unsaid

a sense of heaviness presses
the atmosphere of sun striving to slice through dark skies 
of storms past,
the atmosphere of waking from deep sleeps, eyes weighty 
soft like your skin 
the lines, paths, curves and wrinkles of bedsheets after nightmares
or after love 

birds have been hiding inside my chest now they are free
you made them free, opening me up like a seashell 
a sign of spring that is to come, spring is letting go
spring with its raw newness 
green wishes, a smell of awakening
the smell of life 

strip off the wintery layers of gloom, terrifying ghosts 
that brought loath and death with them
not love as I thought, as I felt
strip off the layers, let the skin touch the new earth
hold on to the roots that grow 
the nakedness absorbing shadows of the world 

i do not take anymore hope or anymore dreams 
they steal steal and mask hearts
illusory prospects that something good something different will happen
in fact they devour time devour destinies 

skies hang like crystal chandeliers 
reflecting a world upside down small deformed 
changing green yellow white red black 
fluttering in its fast momentum; a world of colours and opposites 

yet i want to be part of it, 
of orange scorching countries, of lost tourists in lost places,
of the coming and going lovers, of changeable seasons and colours,
of dying and being born again and again never defeated.

i want to be part of all this
let this bizarre miracle unfold inside me 
and if i fall, 
there will always be the coming of spring
bearing catharsis and rebirths


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