
I follow the narrow path guarded by dry nettle and velvetleaf 
yellow, sickly and already dead.
It is laid out for me, straight 
and frigid rocks - perfect and still - roll and crack under my feet. 

My body - its nakedness echoes in the stale trees
as with each step I am closer to something.
An immutable sky, drooping in time
looks out on nothing but this empty space of
ceaseless paths and dazzled faces.

I reach for you -
my only certainty of a world that I once knew. 
I cannot catch - not even a word or a bit of your skin.
I fall, ludicrous and numb.

I, I, I -
the word is etched inside my heart.
The roots of the trees are not letting go of me. 
I am their master, the little god:
the pure white skin, the slow sea of my eyes.  They do love me.

I reach for you but instead I find
myself among the meagre bones of a rotting sparrow
lying on the cold ground in a perfect symmetry of marrow and colours. 

I, I, I -
the rapid stroke of a pen, precise and immaculate, 
standing like vertical bones,
is all I will ever find. 


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