

it is the illusion of life
luscious and pure
I seek I seek 
the essence of it all

i cannot grasp a meaning
in these bizarre happenings 
i turn 
i twist 

there is nothing there
i flow 
so painless and clean 
through this ceaseless whirl
of absurd thoughts and feelings

i find solace
in one thing - 
the assertive rhythm of a mantra
vibrating on still walls of a cathedral 

the crisp sound
is in my blood
it traverses my body 
it purifies 
the ominous wolf 
waiting in me

there is nothing there
between stone walls 
the chant goes on and on
it flutters 

i breathe
deep and rooted harmonies
i swallow each note you sing 
it is part of me now

i feed each moment 
to the selfish wolf inside

there is nothing there
i will never unearth a sense
in this trivial life 
i pass 
i devour suffering 
i laugh 
at these noble phantoms of life
that one day will rupture 

into the most graceful tale


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